Güncel REVV REVV Fiyatı: $0.009311


-1.32% ( (24s))
Low $0.009273
High $0.009937
  • Piyasa Değeri $7.59 M
  • Hacim $1.34 M
  • ATH $0.63
  • ATH(% Change) -98.51%
  • ATH Date

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Tarih Fiyat Hacim Piyasa Değeri
# Borsa Çift Fiyat Hacim (24 saat) Güncelleme Trust Score

Güncel REVV fiyatı: $0.009311
REVV REVV Toplam Piyasa Değeri: $7.59 M
REVV Son 24 saat değişim oranı: -1.32% aşağı

REVV is the main utility token and in-game currency of the branded motorsports games produced by Animoca Brands, including F1® Delta Time, and an upcoming title based on the MotoGP™ intellectual property. With a third title being announced in the coming months.REVV is being leveraged as a cross-title utility, and the driving force behind the ecosystem's Play-to-Earn model.
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