Güncel Orbs ORBS Fiyatı: $0.03549


1.22% ( (24s))
Low $0.03388
High $0.03590
  • Piyasa Değeri $154.05 M
  • Hacim $4.10 M
  • ATH $0.36
  • ATH(% Change) -90.15%
  • ATH Date

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Tarih Fiyat Hacim Piyasa Değeri
# Borsa Çift Fiyat Hacim (24 saat) Güncelleme Trust Score

Güncel Orbs fiyatı: $0.03549
Orbs ORBS Toplam Piyasa Değeri: $154.05 M
Orbs Son 24 saat değişim oranı: 1.22% yukarı

Orbs was built to bridge the unoccupied gap between the functionality of a public blockchain with the ironclad security of a private one.In a time where people are trusting major companies less than ever before, those enterprises can, at best, ask users to trust them. By empowering those enterprises with the option of operating on a public blockchain safely, Orbs grants them a major competitive edge in the form of digital guarantees to users: No need to trust when users can simply verify.
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