Güncel Terra Luna Classic LUNC Fiyatı: $0.00007113


1.55% ( (24s))
  • Piyasa Değeri $388,299,962.00
  • Hacim $16,936,335.00
  • Mevcut Tedarik 5,460,077,702,011 LUNC

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Tarih Fiyat Hacim Piyasa Değeri
# Borsa Çift Fiyat Hacim (24 saat) Güncelleme Trust Score

Güncel Terra Luna Classic fiyatı: $0.00007113
Terra Luna Classic LUNC Toplam Piyasa Değeri: $388,299,962.00
Terra Luna Classic Son 24 saat değişim oranı: 1.55% yukarı

Terra is a decentralized financial payment network that rebuilds the traditional payment stack on the blockchain. Luna is the reserve currency of the Terra platform. It has three core functions: i) mine Terra transactions through staking, ii) ensure the price stability of Terra stablecoins and iii) provide incentives for the platform’s blockchain validators.
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