Güncel Cronos CRO Fiyatı: ₺2.96


1.73% ( (24s))
  • Piyasa Değeri ₺80,289,162,736.80
  • Hacim ₺1,191,299,165.36
  • Mevcut Tedarik 27,093,204,967 CRO

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TarihFiyatHacimPiyasa Değeri
# BorsaÇiftFiyatHacim (24 saat)GüncellemeTrust Score

Güncel Cronos fiyatı: ₺2.96
Cronos CRO Toplam Piyasa Değeri: ₺80,289,162,736.80
Cronos Son 24 saat değişim oranı: 1.73% yukarı

We propose Crypto.com Chain, the next generation decentralized mobile payment protocol, the most efficient and secure way to pay and be paid in crypto, anywhere, any cryptowithout fees. Crypto.com Chain will deliver on its vision by developing innovative technology components and processes (inc. scalable encryption algorithm to protect users’ privacy, utilizing trusted execution environments, sustainable price stability mechanisms, user protection via PoGSD) catered specifically to cryptocurrency payment, while leveraging proven blockchain technology structural design elements.
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